New York Power Authority (NYPA)
Premier Partner
The New York Power Authority is America’s largest state power organization, with 16 generating facilities and more than 1,400 circuit-miles of transmission lines.
State and federal regulations shape NYPA’s diverse customer base, which includes large and small businesses, not-for-profit organizations, community-owned electric systems and rural electric cooperatives and government entities. We provide the lowest-cost electricity in New York State and we’re the only statewide electricity supplier.
Economic development is a top priority for the New York Power Authority. Our electricity can make the difference between jobs growing here, staying here or going elsewhere. We work with state and local entities, including Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s 10 Regional Economic Development Councils, the Empire State Development Corporation, the New York State Economic Development Power Allocation Board and other local and regional economic development organizations to encourage businesses to locate and expand in the state and create and retain jobs.
We are a national leader in promoting energy efficiency, the development of clean energy technologies and electric vehicles. Our energy services projects can be found throughout New York State, saving money and megawatts while helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Our long-standing commitment to the environment can be seen in our stewardship of NYPA property, our leadership in energy efficiency and clean energy generation, and our sustainability practices at our facilities and visitors centers. More than 70 percent of the electricity NYPA produces is clean renewable hydropower.
The Power Authority has a long and proud history. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt established New York’s model for public power through legislation signed in 1931.
Today, the Power Authority remains true to its mission, serving the public without the use of any tax revenue or state credit. We finance construction of our projects through bond sales to private investors, repaying bondholders with proceeds from our operations.
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