David Springe
Executive Director
National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA)
David Springe was named Executive Director of the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) in December of 2015. Prior to his appointment at NASUCA, Mr. Springe served as Consumer Counsel of the Kansas Citizens’ Utility Ratepayer Board (CURB) from 2002-2015. CURB is the statutory advocate for residential and small commercial utility customers in proceedings before the Kansas Kansas Corporation Commission, Kansas courts and the Kansas legislature. Prior to being named Consumer Counsel at CURB, Mr. Springe spent nine years as an economist and expert witness for both CURB and the Kansas Corporation Commission.
Mr. Springe received his M.A. in Economics and Juris Doctor from the University of Kansas. Mr. Springe has represented consumer interests on numerous boards, including serving as Vice-Chair of the EPRI Energy Efficiency and Grid Modernization Public Advisory Board, as well as serving on the Edison Foundation’s Institute for Electric Efficiency Advisory Board, the University of Missouri Financial Research Institute Advisory Board and the New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities Advisory Board. He also serves on the Energy Board of the Keystone Center. Mr. Springe was the President of the NASUCA from 2007-2009.