Steve Hauser
GridWise Alliance
Steve Hauser is the CEO of the GridWise Alliance, a national industry led organization that promotes the modernization of the nation’s electricity infrastructure. He is a nationally and internationally recognized expert on transforming the power sector to meet future economic, environmental, and energy security mandates. For more than 30 years, Mr. Hauser has been a leader in clean energy and smart grid technology development efforts including solar, wind, batteries, electric vehicles, GIS software, geothermal, microgrids, fuel cells, and building energy efficiency. He recently authored the lead chapter in a book titled “Smart Grid: Integrating Renewable, Distributed and Efficient Energy” published by Academic Press.
Mr. Hauser was the driving force behind the creation of the GridWise® Alliance, the Global Smart Grid Federation, and related smart grid organizations. Since 2000, he has brought together hundreds of companies to create a broad industry vision to transform the electricity sector, policies, markets, and technologies. Mr. Hauser has also led the creation of new international brands like GridWise® and GRID 21TM significantly raising the visibility of these issues with federal and state policy makers. He participated as a key advisor to the National Science and Technology Council’s Smart Grid Task Force resulting in the White House release of the “Policy Framework for a 21st Century Grid”. He has held senior management positions at various companies and DOE labs.